Helping older adults choose a healthy, connected and informed life.
Winnebago, Boone, Lee and Ogle Counties
Meals on Wheels
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MEALS ON WHEELS CLIENTS: Lifescape will NEVER call you to solicit money or payments. Do NOT give out any information if you receive a call like this.
This home-delivered meal program is available to seniors 60 and older who are homebound, unable to cook for themselves, and have no one to cook for them. There is no fee for this service, only a recommended donation based on income.
Meals on Wheels offers:
- Daily Monday through Friday meal deliveries, with supplemental evening and weekend meals available
- Daily safety check for homebound clients
- Nutritious meals that provide one-third the USDA's Recommended Daily Allowance
- Diabetic-approved meals available
Senior Dining Sites
Lifescape works in partnership with senior centers, churches, high rises, and restaurants to offer multiple dining sites in Winnebago, Boone, Ogle, and Lee Counties.
Meals are served on site, and future reservations can be made.
Our dining sites also feature arts and crafts, bingo and card games, group discussions and informative health seminars.
Nutrition Education
Lifescape's Nutrition Services provides nutrition education for all clients, including:
- Presentations and seminars at Lifescape dining sites
- Healthy cooking demonstrations
- Newsletters, mailings and phone surveys
Lifescape clients receive a monthly menu and nutrition newsletter to keep them up to date on our great meals and informative health promotions.