Helping older adults choose lives of dignity and independence.

Winnebago County

Senior Choice

Providing assistance that includes, but is not limited to: individual appointments with caseworkers, transportation, paperwork, training and support to family members and caregivers.

Commonly referred to as "Information & Assistance", our Senior Choice program helps older adults lead active and independent lives so they can stay engaged and connected with their family, friends, and community. Available to Winnebago County residents ages 60+, the program offers customized services that fit the needs of the client, their caregivers and family. Each participant is connected with a caseworker and receives individualized, confidential services. Caseworkers assist with connecting participants with available benefits and services. The program is focused primarily on the needs of older adults, but also provides support to family and friends who are caregivers of older adults, grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, and individuals under the age of 60 living with a disability.

Our Trained Specialists Provide Assistance With:

  • Confidential Benefit Screenings
  • Information about available benefits and services
  • Completing complicated and confusing paperwork when applying for benefits and services
  • Transportation to appointments, shopping, and other destinations
  • Support to caregivers, including access to our Family Caregiver Support Group and Program for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
  • Providing referrals and advocacy, when needed

Where Do Casework Services Take Place?

  • At our office
  • At your home (Home visits available for homebound older adults)
  • Over the phone, when possible

Arrange An Appointment

Please contact us to learn more about how the Senior Choice program can improve the quality of life for older adults by improving and upholding:

  • Independence
  • Nutritional Health
  • Social Connections
  • Understanding of Important Information



For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 815-963-1609 or email

More Services

In addition, the Senior Choice program offers an array of need-specific programs that can be accessed to further address the specific needs of older adults in Winnebago County. Referrals are made for services not provided by Lifescape. Click the links below to learn more about other need specific programs: