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Impacting Our Communities


Meals Served Yearly

Lifescape is widely known for our nutrition services. Through Meals on Wheels, senior dining sites, and our wonderful staff and volunteers we are able to serve Winnebago, Boone, Lee, and Ogle Counties.

Seniors Fed Yearly

Nutrition is essential in achieving Lifescape’s mission of helping older adults choose healthy, connected, and informed lives. Our nutrition services enable older adults and adults with disabilities to receive nutritious meals while remaining independent.

Casework Received Yearly

Our caseworkers customize services to fit the needs of older adults, their caregivers, and family. Options are designed to support older adults in leading active and independent lives. These options vary based on county of residence.

Counties Served

Lifescape provides services throughout northwestern Illinois. Our service area includes Boone, Carroll, Dekalb, Jo Daviess, Lake, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago Counties.

Northern Illinois's Experts on Aging

About Lifescape

Lifescape Community Services is the largest agency in northwestern Illinois serving older adults, families, and caregivers.

We serve 10 counties: Boone, Carroll, Dekalb, Jo Daviess, Lake, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago.

The agency serves thousands of older adults each year through its Meals on Wheels program, Adult Protective Services, Adult Day Program, Health & Wellness Services, AmeriCorps Seniors Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Comprehensive Care Coordination, Senior Mental Health Program, and Advocacy & Assistance programs.

Lifescape Community Services Locations

705 Kilburn Ave.
Rockford, IL 61101

ROCKFORD - PROGRAM SERVICES/AmeriCorps Seniors Retired Seniors Volunteer Program
615 N. Longwood St.
Rockford, IL 61107

1330 S. Alpine Rd.
Rockford, IL 61108

OREGON/Rock River Center (Nutrition)
810 S. 10th St.
Oregon, IL 61061
815.732.3252 or 800.541.5479

ROCK FALLS - Adult Protective Services and Care Coordination 
206 Dixon Ave. Ste 1
Rock Falls, IL 61071

LAKE COUNTY - Adult Protective Services 
100 N. Atkinson Rd., #106L
Grayslake, IL 60030

DEKALB, LEE, & WHITESIDE COUNTIES - AmeriCorps Seniors Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
206 Dixon Ave., Ste. 1
Rock Falls, IL 61071

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